09 December 2009

HRH Long Overdue To Fire Someone; David Holmes Gets the Honour

As first reported by Horse and Hound. Some seem to be confused and think this is really, truly "mutual," so a quick Bullshit-to-English translation guide is useful for these FEI "departure" announcements:

"departure" = sacked
"mutual agreement" = sacked + cash to keep quiet
"denied any fallout" = fallout, and...sacked
"abrupt" = sacked
"out of the blue" = sacked
"shocked" = sacked
"adjustments to the management structure" = told HRH what she didn't want to hear (truth, reason, common sense, statutes, etc.), a/k/a sacked
"we are very sorry to lose him" = sacked
"we are thankful for his contributions" = sacked
"we wish him well with all his future endeavours" = sacked
"I've made a real difference" = EXTRA sacked
"financial reasons" = something other than financial reasons
"no disagreement over the bute issue" = disagreement over the bute issue

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