The FEI is clearly considering getting into the talent management market as they add to their growing stable of
budding YouTube stars, a niche that appears to be created almost entirely by their officials not doing their jobs and subsequent botched FEI/NF/OC cover-ups. This young man has managed 7500 views despite a total US media blackout. Perhaps
un petit scandale, as FEI YouTube
scandales go, but impressive nonetheless, considering the whole thing would have been no big deal if the judges had just done their job at the show. End of story. If you haven't been following this breaking clusterfuck, please see
the entertaining blog of Canada's intrepid Karen Robinson (but first watch the video so your perception is not influenced by the blog).
In related news, just at the very same moment this new star of theirs was emerging, the FEI announced that the rollkur working group "has finalised its report on guidelines to prevent any form of aggressive riding at FEI events." Oh, the irony. We see the irony is not lost on either, an essential problem in the warm-up being the lack of authority of the stewards, meanwhile you have this sort of blatant looking the other way by the FEI's own judges in the competition arena itself.
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