From the USEF press release:
"Only [Laura] Kraut will ride her horse from 2008 – Cedric. The diminutive grey with an ever-growing fan club will be jumping with a heavy heart as his owner, Peter Wetherill, passed away last week."Really? The horse has a heavy heart? Now that's something you'd expect to read on The Carrot!
RIP, Mr. Wetherill.
The USEF High Performance Jumping Committee, Middle Performance Jumping Committee, Low Performance Jumping Committee, High Performance Eligible (Formerly Active) Jumping Athletes Committee, Very Active Eligible Athletes From All Disciplines Committee, Former Jumping Athletes Who Still Like To Feel Important Committee, High Performance HyperActive Owners Committee, Very Expensive Lawyers Committee, and the People Who Have Nothing To Do With The Sport Committee were all in agreement that it would have been a lot easier to just have the 2010 WEG selection trials at the same time as the 2008 Olympic trials and kill two birds with one stone. But they were overruled by the Super High Performance Team Selection Just For This One Event Committee, who strangely insisted on having the WEG trials a little closer to the actual event.
The USEF were sure they could get Equestrian Sport Productions to just absorb the cost again without any subsidy; the prestigious honour of being selected to host the trials should be enough, no? USEF staff were of course too busy writing up committee meeting minutes to bother to learn the rules under which the events are to be conducted, setting the stage for perhaps another fun showdown between USEF and event management!

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