It's worth a visit to a fun blog started by real live librarians (now there's an attention getting phrase!) called Awful Library Books to read the comments. The purported author is, shall we say, a bit peeved that people are making fun of her fantastic contribution to the Just Say Neigh literary canon. The author also boldly threatens says there's a sequel in the works (as of January 2010):
If that's not enough of a time waster for you, there's actually a dramatic reading of this apparent cult favorite on YouTube.Some more comments:
"With copies of this book going from $65 to $125 on Amazon, sell it and make a donation to the drug free horse alliance."
"laugh it up guys but if this keeps just one horse off meth it's worth it"
Latest poll: Is it weird that the FEI does not have a Horse of the Year award? Vote here!