"Ahead of presenting a full manifesto to the federations before this year's World Equestrian Games, I will communicate personally with National Federations and all stakeholders who rely on the FEI. Only when I have listened to them would it be appropriate to outline a program with clear deliverables."Minus 100 points for use of the word "manifesto," but otherwise this sounds like a great plan.
"It is essential to include everyone who will be affected by decisions and those who have to get involved in carrying out those decisions to warrant success,” he said. "I feel many are seeking quiet leadership and more partnership between the executive and the field. If that is the case, my profile will suit the position."+1000 points
For the period of the election, he has resigned as a member of the FEI Audit and Compliance Committee to avoid possible conflict of interest.+1000 points even if really not necessary. It sends a message.
He said the FEI needs a "stable administration and a structure in which initiatives and proposals come about in a democratic and transparent way. Our sport needs to be enjoyed by many more, should be inclusive for all, and remain relevant in a modern world in which the balance of power is shifting to new continents."
"The President is the figurehead of the FEI but the national federations are the FEI," he said. "It is only with them and other stakeholders including riders, owners, organizers, officials and sponsors, that the success of the FEI can be guaranteed. My campaign for the Presidency, and if elected the Presidency itself, will reflect and never forget that fundamental belief."+1000 points for use of the word "figurehead"
Sven Holmberg's program looks pretty vague, but it's early yet so maybe he will elaborate as he gets feedback. Right now it sounds like status quo minus last-second NSAID proposals. And minus a whole lotta cash.
I can't officially make an endorsement in the Carrot's absence and a certain other candidate will probably end up being endorsed just for entertainment value, but I am really, really liking Mr. Rottinghuis thus far.
+1000 points to dressage-news.com for being the only equestrian media source really telling us much about him. Here is the original press release. The KNHS has also posted his CV, his motivation letter, and their announcement to the other NFs. Mr. Rottinghuis' campaign web site is http://www.henkforfei.org/.
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