The Russia Is A Sports Power (yes, that's really the name of it) international forum has been taking place in Moscow this week.
Doping is a naturally a hot topic in advance of Sochi 2014 with the entire Russian nordic ski team facing a blanket ban from their own Olympics if they do not get their act together.

Our good friend
Alexander Nevzorov must be beside himself because
RIA Novosti reports that HRH has done a deal in Moscow with the Russian sports ministry and the Russian NF to establish a development center there for equestrian sport. Oddly, there was no FEI press release on that. Mr. Nevzorov's
petition against said sport presently has nearly 1300 signatures.
Coincidentally we're sure, Russia's equestrian federation president Dmitry Titov was selected by HRH to be on her
development task force. And the Russian development center will also be helping other former Soviet nations, each of which happens to hold a vote at the General Assembly. And Russia is also for the progressive list. Wonder what the price tag on this little deal was. Campaigning sure is expensive.
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