Here's what's hilarious about it, in the fine tradition of the lack of an FEI Horse of the Year award. The "innovative" exhibit named Inspire features one photo of a horse (Totilas, who must really be something!), and 15 photos of people. Just people, sans horses. People with teammates, mentors, babies and the like. I don't get it.
Most of the images unite two people in rural or urban backdrops and highlight the bond of admiration and inspiration between them.Because that's what equestrian sport is all about, the bond between a rider and a
Commented Chief FEI Yes Man Alex McLin, "This contemporary exhibition highlights the love, respect, passion and diversity that are inherent to our sport."And simultaneously extracts the core distinct inherent feature of the sport, thus rendering it irrelevant. But "inspirational." Got it. God this is boneheaded.
Dubya's campaign strategy is starting to look very savvy:
In related news, Totilas (NED), deemed the sole equine worthy of featuring in the FEI photo exhibit, has already written his autobiography at the tender age of ten, as reported by Dressage-news.com. And he's got not only his own website but a satirical takeoff mocking his gaits for which he's probably even contemplating a lawsuit (that's when we know he's really a superstar). Methinks he's trying to become Carrot Horse of the Year before the WEG even happens, but rest assured our incorruptible judges will keep their minds open.